



Homepage Product Banner Test

The problem

Visitors are not immediately aware of the products offered by Plenti when they arrive on the Homepage.

The proposed change/s

  • Display loan products in banner

Encourage 10% more visitors to progress to a Rate Estimate form


IF we display a list of products in the main banner

THEN more visitors will navigate to a Rate Estimate Form

BECAUSE they will be immediately aware of the products offered by Plenti


Competitor Analysis

  • Products displayed with the main banner at top of page on Desktop. Positioned slightly below the fold for Mobile.

  • CTAs directs to the respective PDP pages.

  • Products (with icons) are displayed above the main banner to increase prominence in both Desktop and Mobile.

  • CTAs directs to the respective PDP pages.

  • Search bar is also displayed above the fold on Desktop with examples of products searches.




Personal Loans Exit Intent

Persona: Prospect. This user is actively researching Personal Loans and is likely to be in the market.

The problem

Visitors may be exiting the Personal Loans page without applying for a rate as they are unaware of all the benefits and reasons for choosing Plenti.

The proposed change/s

  • Modal on exit intent highlighting USPs or targeting potential reasons for exit

  • CTA to ‘Get Your Rate’

Encourage 10% less visitors to exit


IF we provide an informative yet succinct exit intervention 

THEN less users will exit the page

BECAUSE they will be aware of all the benefits and reasons for choosing Plenti.


Personal Loans Calculator

Persona: Researcher. This user is searching for specific information regarding monthly repayments.

The problem

Currently, the PL page does not highlight Plenti’s low repayments as an incentive to drive more users into the RE form. We would like to test whether monthly repayments would convert better than Comparison Rates

The proposed change/s

  • Replace the Comparison to Big 4 with the Repayment Calculator

Encourage 10% more visitors to commence the Rate Estimate form


IF we feature a calculator to give users a foretaste of their estimated repayments 

THEN more users will commence a Rate Estimate 

BECAUSE they would become aware of low monthly repayments proposed by Plenti