

Trip planning tool + AI


The task

Use AI to help travellers build an itinerary and get ideas on their upcoming trip.

MVP - Desktop, Mobile, App

Our goals

  1. How to incorporate AI into trip planning.

  2. Make it easy for users to input their trip wants and needs

  3. Give users the ability to save and get ideas to start building a trip

Original Mapping


  1. Entry point - Homepage + Geo Landing page

  2. Where - Select where you’re going

  3. When - When are you taking your trip / how long?

  4. Who - Who is coming with you?

  5. What - What do you want to do while you’re there?



Redesign Trips


The task

Update and improve the trip building experience.

MVP - Desktop and Mobile first. App second.

Our goals

  1. Improve how users save items on and the Tripadvisor App

  2. Incorporate the Map more

  3. Help users plan out their trips with an itinerary builder

  4. Help users find new things to do

  5. Find ways to incorporate trip collaboration



Competitor Research


Google Travel


Final product



Fill My Time

UXR Project


The task

In research, how do we help our users find things to do during their trip?

Research goals

  1. How users engage with the map

  2. How users engage with the filters

  3. Do users find it helpful/understand the visual pins on the map?

  4. Is the juxtaposition of the map / items in the drawer make sense to a user?

The prototype

Research takeaways

  1. Although the concept is appealing to the Passionate Traveler due to its upfront filters and visually informative map, they perceive a lack of uniqueness in comparison to platforms like Google Maps.

  2. Passionate Travelers anticipate seamless access to the Fill My Time feature directly from the app's home screen, facilitating its use both during the trip and for making bookings.

    Mixed preference
    Visual appeal: 4.2/5
    Usefulness: 4.8/5
    Uniqueness: 3.6/5

“So I would say all the filters that are shown before as a pill should also be a part of this global filter, too. So people use the walking ones quite often. So it makes sense that we are saving a touch not to go into this screen. But in certain scenarios I want to see more filters at that point. I'll be going there and making all the filter selections in one go.”
– 28, M, No Children, US 🇺🇸



Tour Detail Page


The task

The design task was to figure out a faster and more efficient way for users to find tours and time slots. The team had originally agreed to implement a bottom of the page date picker. After stepping in as the lead designer for this task, I proposed to test bringing the date picker to the top and changing the UX of the page.

I was the lead designer for exploration on this project, working alongside my project manager.

The problem

  1. The UX of the current page. It made the image the priority over the call to action, check tour availability.

  2. Arriving to this page, users didn’t know what was available until they clicked into the CTA. Then would have to click through and load in times that were available.

  3. One image block carousel made it less exploratory.


The control


Competitor research

Royal Caribbean


The test

  1. Change header image into a multiple image gallery. Making it more exploratory and not rely on just one image to convey the tour.

  2. Change the UX. Make the reserve a spot stuck to the side as you scroll rather than the image.

  3. Expose reserve your spot. Remove the check availability modal and bring the first step onto the page.




Contact me for more designs